This was one confused film just like the characters in the film. On second thoughts actually, it was not that bad. I just wish the director was a little more clear in what exactly did he want to portray. I mean we have earlier seen bisexual characters confused about their sexuality but then ultimately they reach a end point but here I dont think there was a proper end.

Nathan and Maggie are having a torrid, sexual affair. The difference is that Nathan is bisexual and Maggie is straight. Kissing their respective boyfriends good-bye, the two recent college graduates embark on a wine-tour through the beautiful vineyards of the Napa Valley. As Nathan continues to pick up hunky men during their trip and multiple glasses of wine are consumed, the young lovers begin to confront the consequences of their actions and wonder if they are truly in love with each other or the seductive thrill of an illicit affair. Nathan likes Maggie but is not in love with her as he is clearly confused about what exactly he wants. Plus he is not openly out about him being gay to his family or friends. On the other hand, this trip makes Maggie realize that she is in love with Nathan and wants the same in return but Nathan does not. The friendship takes a sour turn when they both come back home, tell their respective boyfriends of the affair and of course they leave. A couple of years later, a chance meeting happens again while hiking and they discuss about their new love lives with their respective boyfriends and just decide to race to the bottom of the mountain.

Nathan was again effective after Harry And Max but it seemed like an extension of his previous role. Plus with his looks etc, its kinda difficult for him to actually pull off being a straight man. Maggie acted well powerfully portraying the dilemmas of a hag who falls in love for her fag.

A decent strictly ok film. (5/10)

Race You To The Bottom
Source: Money Matter News