Charming, lovable and completely predictable, thats the way you can describe the film. SOmetimes you know very well whats gonna happen but still the way certain films are presented makes the wol difference to the cinema. This film can be counted as one of those films.

Noah is marrying his lover Wade, whom he nursed when he was sick.To send them off, his buddies are throwing Noah a wonderful party at Wade’s family vacation home on the gorgeous island of Martha’s Vineyard. Deliciously femme Alex is whipping up a frenzy in the kitchen thanks to some mysterious pills. He has taken the charge of the whole wedding and wants everything perfect. His boyfriend is at home minding their child and house. Slutty Ricky (who we very soon find out deeply loves Noah) brings the cutest button of a date Brandon, who he abandons immediately in favor of a stranger in the shrubbery. Brandon is incidentally a student of Professor Chance. Chance and his husband of few years Eddie are trying to work out the whole LTR/monogomy issue, with little success. When there are so many people there is bound to be drama. Ricky is trying to sleep with every man just to ignore the fact that he can never have Noah , his best friend as his lover. Brandon has crush on his professor that creates friction between Eddie and CHance. And among all this Noah and Wade have to deal with their own insecurities and issues. Finally all’s well and they get married and funniest is when unknowingly Noah outs Wade to his mom.

Various reasons for me to like this film. It all my favorite characters. Black gay men. Specially Alex, he was so funny. Also the fact that the film was not supposed to be preachy. Take everything with a grain of salt and watch the proceedings. The issues that probably every gay man deals in his life. Noah and Ricky were CUTE. And everyone’s acting was also upto the mark.

A year down the line and I wont mind watching it again. (7/10)

Noah’s Arc: Jumping the Broom
Source: Money Matter News