This is one of those films that start well but somewhere down the line gets a little confusing and by the end you really dunno what the director really wanted to say. It was a tiring silly film with overdose of overacting by the lead character.

Pedro and Rui are deeply in love. On their anniversary, Pedro mets with an accident and dies. On the other hand Odete andher boyfriend break up because she desperately wants a child. She starts losing her mind soon after. She pretends that she knows Pedro and his mother (although she is just a neighbor). She sucks off the ring that Rui gifted him from the corpse’s body and later hurls herself into his grave, screaming that she can’t live without him. She then pretends to be carrying Pedro’s baby and starts acting pregnant to everyone. Initially Pedro’s mother doesn’t believe her but ultimately takes her in when Odete starts spending day and night at Pedro’s grave. Rui, meanwhile, struggles to come to terms with his very real loss. He is tormented by the ever crazier Odete, who now begins to transform herself into Pedro. Ultimately Rui takes Odete in and the film ends.

This film was so damn confusing. I had no idea what was going on. Odete was clearly psycho but why would she do all these things is beyond belief. Matters become worse when she starts acting like Pedro and transform into him. Why the hell would someone do that. Just because she wants to feel accepted and loved? I dont know. And by the way, the acting was so terrible that it was unbelievable. I did not like director’s earlier film ‘O Fantasma’ and this one was no better.

Stay away. It will just confuse you. (3/10)

Odete (Portugese) [Two Drifters]
Source: Money Matter News