I guess in 1978 this film was relevant but in today’s time when you get to see so many more relevant and issue based gay films, this film just serves as a mere time filler with nothing exciting to offer. Or maybe for a young man like me, I just cant appreciate the cinema of those years.
Set in London, Jim is a 30ish geography teacher. He is an out gay man to any adult with an interest and quietly non-descript to the rest, including his parents. Th film follows his life and daily routine which involves teaching in the school, hanging out with a female teacher in school whom he eventually comes out to and various men he tries to date in the clubs that he often visits. There is nothing more to his in this movie. The only scene that stands out is when his students ask him about him being gay and he rather than being ashamed of it turns it into a sex education session. The movie just ends like this with his daily routine.
I honestly still can’t relate to the movie as I am writing this piece. Apparently the director later made a documentary on making of this film but I am going to stay away from that for sure. Oh! one good thing about he movie was how people would reach each other at bars with respect, calm and innocence without any attitude which is otherwise so common in these days.
Boring for my generation but maybe something that an older generation can relate to. (1.5/10)
Source: Money Matter News
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