An independent film made on a shoe string budget, it started off well. The acting were natural and something you could identify with but over the course of the film, I lost interest. There were to many unknowns and unanswered questions in the film.

Two 20-something friends couldn’t be more different than one another. Mark is gay and involved in a relationship. He is also very sexy and has the ability to draw people to him; charismatic to a degree, but he also harbors a dark and destructive side. Alex is a straight boy who is an introvert and “desperately single”. Despite being different , they complement each other so well as if they both each are half a person. As the two travel through the Ontarian countryside, they experience several mishaps and when they reach Toronto their eyes are opened by two younger girls. They also experience a journey which goes into Alex’s past. Ultimately the two young men are forced to look at their unspoken feelings for each other while having to achieve maturity at the same time. In the end Alex leaves the aptt and goes by himself trying to make something out of himself.

There were too many unknowns. What happened at high school on the night thy stayed in school. What’s Alex’s secret past. What are the true feelings of friends for each other. It felt as if Mark like Alex but can’t tell him and its difficult to gauge what Alex feels.

It could have been so much better with a tighter screenplay. (3/10)

Half A Person (Canada)
Source: Money Matter News